Welcome to the The Seafarers' Charity's Grant Application portal
This is where you apply for funding for The Seafarers' Charity's own Main Fund Programme (including the Merchant Navy Fund) but also for the International Fund for Fishing Safety (IFFS). All grant rounds run from January until December.
If you have applied to us in the past, please enter the email used last time, and select "change password" from the Home screen to set up a new password to activate your account.
Step-by-Step guidance is available on our website on the Apply for Funding page to assist you with successfully completing the form. We recommend downloading the list of questions from the Guide and preparing the application in Word before you fill out the fields so if there is any problems, you still have an offline copy.
You will be able to start a draft and return to it at a later date as long as you hit the "Save" button which will appear after clicking outside the field. However, please note that once you have submitted your application you will not be able to make any changes to the final version so please arrange a meeting with one of our team before you apply. Only after you have the green light from us, should you hit the "submit" button. After submission, you will receive an immediate acknowledgement of your application and notification that we will shortly be in touch to request extra documents that we require for due diligence purposes.
If you have any problems in the meantime, please do not hesitate to get in touch via email on impact@theseafarerscharity.org and we can arrange a call to answer any questions.
The next Impact Committee meeting for The Seafarers' Charity and Merchant Navy Fund grants is March 2025 so please submit your applications by the last week in January 2025.
New applications to the International Fund for Fishing Safety are welcome on a rolling basis but please contact our IFFS Coordinator, Alan McCulla on alan.mcculla@theseafarerscharity.org for guidance before you start an application.
Thanks from all on the Impact Team.